Educational Institute WiFi Management

Educational Institute WiFi Management

Manage Internet Connections for students and staff for Educational Institute using our Educational Institute WiFi Software module.
We live in a digital era when almost everything can be found online. It’s only natural to start learning about the digital world in places of learning.

But how would that happen if wifi is non-existent in schools and educational institutions?

Schools should leverage integrating wifi with internet access in their learning systems. It’s not only helpful for students but to the school staff and teachers as well.

Here are 5 important reasons why educational institutions should have wifi:

1. Access to a Wide Range of Online Resources and Tools
Everyone has their own effective way of learning.

WiFi with internet opens a whole lot of resources that can help students in their learning. It could be in text-form from sites like Khan Academy, videos from YouTube, or even audio from podcasts.

There are also others who use cloud-based apps accessible via mobile phone to enhance their learning experience. Phone apps like Duolingo, Photomath, and Solo Learn are gaining popularity among students because of their accessibility on the move.

Students don’t have to be confined to the limits of textbooks and classroom discussions. Access to a wireless internet connection gives them the chance to supplement their learning with their medium of choice.

However, to protect the school’s private network, a WiFi Hotspot management system should be in place. If you’re interested in how Direction Technology specifically designed software can help maintain your private network safe, contact us today by sending us an email.

2. Better Learning Facilities in Schools
If students and teachers have a wireless connection, the teaching and learning experience continues even beyond classroom walls.

Teachers can send students supplementary resources via email, instant messengers, or even chat rooms to aid them in their homework and studies. Whenever students have questions, instructors are only a ‘WiFi’ away from them.

During classes, teachers can personalize their teaching sessions instantly. If the teacher decides to show funny cat videos from YouTube to introduce their feline studies, so be it.

Some schools use their own tools and apps that students and teachers use. Any school with WiFi can do the same. They can have an app where teachers can track and even provide feedback about the progress of each student. It would also be convenient if students can submit their homework by directly uploading them and teachers can keep track of any deadlines.

Whatever personalization educational institutions need to make learning more fun and exciting can be easier done with a wireless connection.

However, managing a network as large as a school would be hard. Fortunately, Direction Technology cloud-based software takes care of everything. What the school only needs to do is install MikroTik routers on their campus – no expensive servers.

What’s more, all of Direction Technology pricing plans include unlimited MikroTik Router which can surely cover the whole school ground.

Sign up now on this page to get a one-week free trial.

3. More Engagement and Interaction
Participation and interaction are important. However, it’s also given that class participation doesn’t come in a gift box. Sometimes, teachers have to earn it.

Other times, the class needs tools to increase class participation — like what WiFi can provide.

How can students not participate if their teacher is asking them to go on a virtual field trip?

Consider the shy-type students. Would they still be afraid of answering the questions if they can do so without letting other people know?

How convenient would it be if schools use real-time online quizzes and tests?

At the same time, WiFi gives way for students, teachers, and staff to have easier collaborations — resulting in more engagement and interaction.

But there should be control in terms of usage and application. Without control, interaction and engagement through WiFi can bring about harmful practices for learners like cheating, copy-pasting answers, and forms of distractions.

Bandwidth control, one of the features Direction Technology offers, provides data limit and fair usage policy. A time slot can also be assigned to the student WiFi subscribers protecting the learner’s sacred time.

If there’s WiFi around, students and teachers would be able to edit and share documents with one another. This engagement between the students could help them learn teamwork skills which are becoming an increasingly important qualification employers look for.

4. Lesser Hassle for Higher Education Students
WiFi (especially one with a fast-speed internet connection) would feel like heaven-sent for college and university students.

One reason is research. It’s painstakingly hard sometimes to find credible and approved resources that can be used and cited for research papers.

With WiFi, higher education students are able to use academic search engines, databases, books, journals and archives for research purposes. Aside from the convenience it brings, students would be able to significantly save time compared to digging through all the papers and books on the library.

Another reason why WiFi should be in higher educational institutions is how the internet affects the students’ grades.

Research from Becta revealed that students without access to the internet suffer an educational disadvantage.

If a college or university has WiFi that can be used to connect to the internet on their grounds including dormitories, the students would be able to supplement their studies with the additional tools and resources found online. In turn, this could boost their grades and help them pass with flying colors.

5. Easier Reporting for Teachers and Staff
Lastly, having WiFi in schools also help the efficiency of teachers and staff.

Meetings are fast and on-point since school staff can submit their reports or even read about the agenda in advance. This leads to teachers having more time in polishing their lesson plans and personalizing their teaching according to what their class needs.

WiFi is also helpful in knowing everyone’s teaching schedule. Teachers would be able to fill-in vacancy right away in cases of emergency.

The communication between teachers and parents also improve. Any concerns, frustration, and even compliments can be voiced out right away. There would be no need for each party to make the first move and go to each other’s location.

All in all, educational institutions should leverage WiFi in their school grounds, not just for their students but for the teachers as well.